
List of Media types.

Name Media Type name. Cannot have two Media Types with the same name. NOT NULL UNIQUE.
Description Media Type description



Name Description
Image JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP etc
Document DOC, PDF, TXT, HTML etc
Video MP4, AVI, MOV etc

Entity: MEDIA


This entity can record Media that is relevant for the Car Service business. Media can be assigned to:

⦁ a Shop Employee (for example a copy of the employment contract)

⦁ a Vehicle Part (for example photos of the Vehicle Part)

⦁ a Labor item (for example a Labor Manual)

⦁ a Vehicle (for example a Odometer photo)

Media_Type_ID Lookup for the Media Type. NOT NULL
Employee_ID If Media is assigned to a Shop Employee then Employee_ID is the lookup for the Shop Employee.
If the document is not assigned to a Shop Employee then Employee_ID is NULL.
Part_ID If Media is assigned to a Vehicle Part then Part_ID is the lookup for that Part.
If Media is not assigned to a Vehicle Part then Part_ID is NULL.
Labor_ID If Media is assigned to a Labor item then Labor_ID is the lookup for that Labor item.
If Media is not assigned to a Labor item then Labor_ID is NULL.
Vehicle_ID If Media is assigned to a Vehicle then Vehicle_ID is the lookup for that Vehicle.
If Media is not assigned to a Vehicle then Vehicle_ID is NULL.
Name The name of Media. Cannot have two Media documents with the same name. NOT NULL UNIQUE
File_Name The name of the file uploaded for Media. NOT NULL
File_Source The file source of the Media. The file source is uploaded into the File_Source blob column. NOT NULL
Created_Time Timestamp when the Media record was created. NOT NULL
Created_Emp_Login_ID Lookup for the login session of the Employee who created the Media record. NOT NULL
Comments Internal notes used for clarifications on record content.