The Logical Data Model of the CUSTOMER Subject Area includes the following entities:
A Customer can be:
The same Customer can be Owner and/or Contact Person for one or many Vehicles registered at a Car Service Shop.
Customer Registration Process
Step: A person presents the Vehicle at a Car Service Shop
⦁ The Shop Employee will request information about the Vehicle, the Vehicle Owner and the Contact Person for the Vehicle.
Step: Shop Employee search if the Vehicle Owner is already registered
⦁ If the Vehicle Owner is not already registered then the Shop Employee will register a new Customer. Next Step: Shop Employee create new Customer.
Step: Shop Employee search if Vehicle Contact Person is already registered
⦁ If the Vehicle Contact Person is not already registered then the Shop Employee will register a new Customer. Next Step: Shop Employee create new Customer.
Step: Shop Employee create new Customer
⦁ Shop Employee will record all the mandatory information about Customer:
⦁ The Shop Employee can create an online account for Customer if Customer agrees. In this case the following CUSTOMER entity attributes are mandatory:
Step: Shop Employee presses the Submit button
⦁ A new record for Customer is created in the CUSTOMER entity.
⦁ If an online user account was created for Customer then the CUSTOMER.Is_Registered_Online flag attribute is set TRUE. See Entity: CUSTOMER, Attribute: Is_Registered_Online for more information.
Only Customers who are REGISTERED_ONLINE are allowed to:
⦁ review Orders and provide feedback ONLINE.
See Subject Area: ORDER Entity: ORDER_REVIEW for more information.
Attributes | |
City_ID | Lookup for the City where the Customer is located. NOT NULL |
Code | Shop internal code for Customer. NOT NULL |
Phone | Customer phone number. UNIQUE identifies the Customer. Cannot register two Customers with the same phone number NOT NULL UNIQUE |
First_Name | Customer First Name NOT NULL |
Last_Name | Customer Last Name NOT NULL |
Is_Company | Flag attribute to indicate if there is an individual or a company Customer. NOT NULL |
Company_Name | Company Name. If Is_Company is TRUE then Company_Name is mandatory |
Tax_Number | Customer Tax Number |
Billing_Address | Customer Billing Address used for creating invoice. NOT NULL. |
Is_Registered_Online | Flag to indicate if the Customer has an online account. NOT NULL |
Customer email address. If the Customer is REGISTERED_ONLINE then Email is mandatory. UNIQUE identifies the Customer. Cannot register two Customers with the same email | |
Username | Customer username. If the Customer is REGISTERED_ONLINE then Username is mandatory. UNIQUE identifies the Customer. Cannot register two Customers with the same username. |
Password | Customer password. If the Customer is REGISTERED_ONLINE then Password is mandatory. |
Credit | Total Credit Amount of the Customer. Customer can receive Credit as result of ORDER_REVIEW.Compensation. See Subject Area: ORDER, Entity: ORDER_REVIEW, Attribute: Compensation for more information. |
Created_Emp_Login_ID | Lookup for the Shop Employee who created the Customer record. NOT NULL |
Created_At_Shop_ID | Lookup for the Shop where the Customer record was created. NOT NULL |
Created_Time | Date and Time when the Customer record was created. NOT NULL |
Last_Login_Time | Date and Time of the Customer last login. |
Is_Active | Flag attribute to indicate if the Customer account is still operational or it is suspended. NOT NULL |
Comments | Internal notes used for clarifications on record content. |
List of Countries where Car Service Shops are located.
Attributes | |
Name | Country name. Cannot have to countries with the same name. NOT NULL UNIQUE |
List of Regions where Car Service Shops are located.
Attributes | |
Name | Region name NOT NULL |
Country_ID | Lookup for Country. NOT NULL |
CONSTRAINT UK_Region UNIQUE (Name, Country_ID) Cannot have two regions with the same name in a Country.
List of Time Zones for Car Service Shops locations.
Attributes | |
Name | Time Zone name. Cannot have two Time Zones with the same name. NOT NULL UNIQUE |
Description | Time Zone Description |
List of Cities where Car Service Shops are located.
Attributes | |
Name | City name NOT NULL |
Region_ID | Lookup for Region. NOT NULL |
Time_Zone_ID | Lookup for Time zone. NOT NULL |
Zip_Code | City Zip Code |
CONSTRAINT UK_City UNIQUE (Name, Region_ID)) Cannot have two cities with the same name in a Region